Thursday, September 18, 2008


Abby the abnomalicious pringleman:


Anonymous said...

hahahaha niiiice
so when and where did he pass out?? i missed out! dammit

Anonymous said...

omg some bitch wrote really mean comments on my blog!!!! read it! anyway there was more but i deleted it but my friends have been really good sticking up for me. At least you can get away with dissing and not get crucified for it!

Maggie said...

u shoulda been there ozz
it was sooo trippy
he literally slept like he was dead
...and jeff kept trying to wake him up so we can take him out in publia hahaha

Chez said...

HAHAHAHAH i stole that photo lol and put it on my fb LOL

your blog is too true. Mail you tmrw my internet is sooo slow xoxox