Tuesday, September 16, 2008

"And when your fears subside and shadows still remain, I know that you can love me when theres no one left to blame"

November Rain, Guns n Roses, 1991. Love this song. I see this gritty, seen-and-lived-it-all, ex-badass rockstar got hurt reeeal bad by some girl. She damaged their relatonship with some careless, diva act-up but he's telling her it'll all be alright in a way thats half reassuring and half pleading. He's showing understanding of the fact that being fickle, selfish and confused in relationships is a rite of passage we all go through when we're young. A guy who bares his vulnerabilty to his girlfriend while also being strong when shes scared is masculine and secure in himself (in my books).

Axl Rose with the girlfriend that appears in the video clip for this song

DIGRESSION: Go here to see a youtube clip of what marijuana does to spiders. Hilarious.

Also, Ive been overdosing reading this guy Sam Something's blog on SMH. Its called 'All Men Are Liars' but from what he writes about, it should really be called 'Bitter and insecure men are all liars but other men are smart, funny and kind". No he's not a pussy! Heres a piece of writing he posted by the crime novelist Raymond Chandler after his wife Cissy Pascal's death in 1954 where after he said poigantly 'I want that'. I hope this melts all my playerhating sisters out there. Here's the extract:

"She was the beat of my heart for thirty years. She was the music heard faintly at the edge of sound. It was my great and now useless regret that i never wrote anything really worthy of her attention, no book that I could dedicate to her.

"I planned it. I thought of it but I never wrote it. Perhaps I couldn't have written it. Perhaps by now she realises that I tried, and that I regarded the sacrifice of several years of a rather insignificant literary career as a small price to pay, if I could make her smile a few times more.
"... I wasn't faithful to my wife out of principle because she was completely adorable, and the urge to stray which afflicts many men at a certain age, because they think they've been missing a lot of beautiful girls, never touched me. I already had perfection.

"When she was younger she used to have sudden and very short-lived tempers, in which she would throw pillows at me. I laughed. I liked her spirit. She was such a terrific force fighter ... and she always won, not because she deliberately put on the charm at the tactical moment, but because she was so irresistible without knowing it or caring about it.

"... For thirty years, ten months, and four days, she was the light of my life, my whole ambition. Anything else I did was just the fire for her to warm her hands at."

Pictures from last friday:

The fun corner of my cubicle at work..i really need some more stuff. That moose is something they give to clients in Germany. Its cute.

Afterwork drinks at the Loft
Trying really hard not to pass out because he hadn't slept for like 40 hours.

Mags xxoo

1 comment:

Chez said...

It's abdominals lol

and ur desk looks so clean I miss having selves, I've been denied.

See you tmrw my sweetness horaaah xxx